Scorecard Measurement System™️

Identifies your blind spots so you can eliminate mistakes and scale faster

Get These 7 Insights (Plus 18 Others) That Help You Scale Faster...

Staff Performance

Track custom, specific, & meaningful metrics for each staff member which instantly increases accountability and performance.

Pro Tip: Offer incentives to staff when they improve specific metrics.

Six Layer Sales Funnel

Pinpoint your bottleneck and see metrics for all six layers of sales.

Pro Tip: In 3 minutes you can see the overall health of your business and what actions are needed to grow.

Marketing Effectiveness

See what marketing strategies produce the most & least new patients.

Pro Tip: Don't forget to measure your referral program.

Patient Retention

See which staff members have the highest finished POCs and fewest drop-offs.

Pro Tip: See which staff reactivates the most past patients from outbound calls.

Website Performance

Measure engagement and see where to optimize.

Pro Tip: See what traffic sources complete web forms and click-to-call the most.

Forecast The Future

Use your historical data to predict the future and improve your decision-making process.

Pro Tip: Know when to hire based on your past metrics and trends.

No Setup Required

We build your complete measurement system & perform all setup for you.

Pro Tip: If you ever want to sell your practice this system gives you leverage.

All Software Solutions Are HIPPA Compliant & Built With: